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    3D how to help small and medium enterprises to save production costs?

    release time:2016-04-19  viewed:1679次
    Recently more and more small companies and startups choose 3D printer, one of the reasons is to use 3D printing model than traditional economic benefit a lot, conscious entrepreneurs naturally will not miss. Because of this, more and more localized 3D printing services, the corresponding network platform also came into being. But the most direct, or direct 3D printing equipment, buy a home, learn how to operate on sleep without any anxiety.
    For example, a start-up company designed to make kitchen knives, pre designed to store a lot of sketches and CAD design, ready to make some samples for testing. But chefs and product designers have made it clear that making a perfect tool requires an untold number of tests. As a Venture Company, funds are not sufficient, if using the traditional method of making sample mould can be costly, especially in shape with the early stages of testing whether smoothly. So the company decided to try to buy a 3D printer for proofing.
    They were purchased by the aurora Volvo 3D printing equipment production, help them repeatedly print tool model. After several adjustments, the designer determines the final design version. They launched a fund-raising activities in the capital site. Unexpectedly, the value of 365 yuan of professional quality kitchen knife got 13116 supporters in a short period of time, this tool also listed as.
    3D printing tool
    See here, you can calm it? Whether it is the rich and powerful group, or just a start-up company, want to spend money wisely. So, what then go and try the new design, affordable, efficient and accurate 3D printing.

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