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    High cost 3D printer which brand is good?

    release time:2016-04-19  viewed:2140次
    High cost 3D printer which brand is good? If you want to buy a personal 3D printer, the need for good performance and affordable price, usually want to do something, the face of a large number of categories of 3D printers do not have to know whether or not to choose which one?
    Below from the appearance, the measured print quality, price, brand strength and customer support and other aspects of the forum to compare.
    This is a high precision Z-603s printer, has the following characteristics:
    1, friendly operation interface in English;
    2, in the printing process, the hot bed temperature nozzle printing speed can be adjusted at any time;
    3, responsible for easy print model;
    4, the printing precision and speed, suitable for hand demanding customers.

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